New video art to be published in the Nokia Arena lobby
In 2021, Operation Pirkanmaa and Nokia Arena organized an open artist search as a continuum for European Capital of Culture application process, managed by the City of Tampere. The idea was to get new and unique pieces displayed in the arena lobby, available for to the public during the opening hours.
Drafts were requested from six artists. The three works selected by the panel will be published on Tuesday, June 14, 2022 in connection with the Tampere Smart City Week event. The pieces to be published are To be continued by HEMULOORDI, Like there’s nothing to it by Pinja Valja and Parametropolis by the Pink Twins duo.
Nokia Arena is investing in the public art with two large screens at its main entrance, dedicated to these location-based video artwork pieces. The selection will cover abstract 3D animation, a parody of Finnishness, and a work that reveals the quiet, quality and skill-based work behind high-level sports and hobbies.
The panel included production manager Alex Regan from Nokia Arena, producer Ilona Kyykoski from the Operation Pirkanmaa project, museum assistant Janne Kauppinen from the Tampere Art Museum, art coordinator Heini Orell from Frei Zimmer Oy and artist members appointed by the Finnish Artists’ Association Tatu Tuominen and Teemu Lehmusruusu.
“We ended up choosing these pieces with the panel because we wanted them to appeal to different audiences. We believe that everyone will find one they like among these three”, says Heini Orell.
A location-based work and reaching new audiences inspired the artists
Tampere-based visual artist HEMULOORDI received the news of being one of the final three with delight. ”As a visual artist, you rarely get such an opportunity to present your work to thousands of people! I’m also excited that my work will reach viewers who haven’t come to the arena to see video art.”
Pinja Valja was also inspired by the place-specificity of the work. ”I am really happy to being chosen, as it allows me to make a video art work for a specific place for the first time. In the lobby of Nokia Arena video art also reaches audiences who do not necessarily encounter it in their daily lives.”
As the Covid restrictions subsided also the art world, the artist duo Pink Twins, brothers Juha and Vesa Vehviläinen, was especially enthusiastic about making public art in a new kind of environment. ”Presenting art outside art institutions is always great. And it’s great that the arena has a fixed space for the video art. The spectators will hopefully experience surprising moments.”
Picture: Pink Twins, Parametropolis